Sunday, March 20, 2011

A love affair with light & photography

Photography is really about a love affair with light. Without that, I'm not sure that photos would really have the impact that they were created to have. When it comes down to it, a photograph cannot exist without light. But take it a little further, and a photograph that inspires and moves you cannot exist without a love affair with light.

I'm a big fan of natural light mixed with studio lighting. Being able to manipulate, guide and master your light is the key to transforming your subjects and immortalizing them with the beauty of photography. And the fantastic thing about lighting is that you never cease to learn and grow as you use it. It's like a painting - you're never quite finished with it. There's always more to add, change and create.

I'm fairly new to using studio lighting and understanding natural lighting. I've had 3 or 4 years to practice, and yet I feel like there's still a really long (yet exciting!) road ahead of me. That's what I love most about photography - always learning and growing, never finished, never done. There's always more to discover, more to capture and more to explore.

Posted by f/action member, Gabrielle Touchette.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

52-week photo & art project

I've decided to challenge myself to shoot one photo a week and post it by the end of each week (ending on Sundays) for 52 weeks. Inspired by the ever popular 365-photo project, I opted for 52 weeks rather than 365 days, just so that the goal is attainable! I don't want to commit to 365 if I can't pull it off.

I started on February 28th and my progress will be documented on my personal photography blog. I've also added a twist: I've also challenged myself to paint or draw one thing a week and post it as well. So far, I have 3 posts. Check them out!
To follow the 52-week saga, visit:

Posted by f/action member, Gabrielle Touchette.