Sunday, December 28, 2008

essential eyes

There's something fascinating about the human eye. I won't get into all the clichés and metaphors (the window to the soul! ok, sorry, that one slipped out...). And I won't get into the scientific make-up of the human eye (seriously, I have no idea what it's all about. I do know it has something to do with cones, but not ice cream cones). What I like about the human eye is its glossy-glass colour (blue, brown, grey, green, chocolate), its dark thin rim around the iris, and of course the ever expanding and retracting black pupil. Oh the black, dark pupil, it has so many things to hide, and teases us even more when sparkling with specular highlights! And we have the milky whites and the delicate eyelashes. There's nothing I like more than photographing a human eye! (but I say that about a lot of things...)

Eyes, more than anything, really get me excited about being able to see. They're such an amazing thing to look at, yet you need one to see one. Is that irony?

So when I photograph a person's face, I love using natural light and getting them to look up at me. It opens up the eye and reveals its best.

Posted by Gabrielle Touchette, f/action member.

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