And now that I'm here, I'm going to continue on with what Duncan was saying in an earlier post: "And Now for Something Completely Different". I too, recently found that I needed a little mix-it-up in the photography world. And for me, it had to be something FUN. See, I think I am a little too "particluar" at times. I don't like the word anal to describe my attention to detail! (In school we had to do a metaphorical self-portrait, and I submitted an image of my sock drawer - 4 rows of socks sorted by type, colour and preference. Yep, I needed a little more fun in my life!) Just kidding, I like my socks like that. And I think I am pretty fun. But I needed creative outlet to make some of my shooting especially fun!
In the fall I got two new toys: a lomo diana and fisheye. Oh yes, it was so very exciting. But I found that after the first roll on each toy, I didn't shoot any more. Was it that I didn't know what I was doing, or the fact that only half of my shots came out halfway decent (actually only 4 out of 12 negatives on my diana were even exposed!)... I don't know. But I recently re-loaded both cameras and headed out with them. My new method was to experiment, expect nothing and laugh at the results. Well, laugh I did!
See, part of my renewed enthusiasm was due to my new idea to use my on-camera flash (off my camera and in my hand) to get a better exposure with my fisheye. I thought this was genius and wanted to try out a whole roll of exerimental shots...

We see my model - nicely lit - and my flash and entire arm clearly in the frame!
Whoops! I forgot just how exremely wide angle that fisheye lens is!

When my model (the lovely Ailsa) offered to hold the flash and dump all that light into her own face, I took her up on it!
Low and behold, now she is clearly holding the flash within the frame! Haahaha...

Here you see me - backed up quite a bit... clearly shining the flash right into the barrel of my lens, rather than on the model! Yet again - whoops!

Of course, there is my nemisis... the hand again!
So much for keeping lighting techniques a secret!

I guess I got so excited about getting that flash to fire, that I clearly did not wait for my model to be ready.
Wow, there is just way too much to think about when holding a toy camera in one hand and a flash in the other!

Here you see me trying to capture a scene: Gabrielle working her magic with studio lights. What I was trying to find out was if the little flash on my fisheye would trigger the studio lights - and yes, it worked!!
Too bad about... the hand!

No hand!!! Yes!!!
Cool scene too... I love the fisheye effect on this one!

Plus, no hand!
No, I didn't get the best images... but I definately laughed my butt off when I saw the negatives!
So in sum... the heck with knowing what you are doing!
Think up something to experiment with and go for it!
Posted by Dallas Ludwick, f/action member
1 comment:
I think these are fantastic, even w/ the hand/arms in the frame.
I especially love the second one of me, the close up - totally cool Dallas!
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